A Trendy Mom’s Escape

hello everyone. first of all, thank you for visiting my blog. it’s new and a work in progress, but i really really appreciate it. second, i would love to tell you a little bit about myself and why i started blogging. my name is alexandria. im a 28 year old mommy who loves being with my family, reality tv, justin timberlake, crafting, and dancing.  i danced my whole life and just recently stopped teaching due to my daughter having a busier schedule than me and my husband working very hard and quite a lot. i, of course, miss it and maybe one day i can teach again, but my bunny always comes first. because of all that, i wanted to start blogging so i could have something for myself. not that i ever want to be away from my daughter, but you could call this my escape. a trendy mom’s escape. so why a fashion blog? i’ve always loved shopping. i wouldnt say i always had great style, but i always enjoyed clothes. after graduating college, i started coming into my own as a person and that, obviously, started to strengthen my fashion sense and now im fashion obsessed. i really know who i am and i think the most important part of one’s style, is feeling confident about it. i always do. i would describe my style as sexy, trendy, and always comfortable. im a mom who spends the majority of my time on the floor playing Barbies or running to dance class and preschool so that’s super important. i love form fitting clothes, really nice basics that i can add a lil’ edge to, and my greatest love is handbags. finally, why WINIFRED JAC? these are two names that hold really special memories for me. these two names are a big part of who i am. and now this blog is a big part of me and hopefully will turn into something great. so there. that’s me. enjoy!


prettyinpink (1) recital10Savannah-303-X3


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